Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Common defects and countermeasures of steel heat treatment (Chapter Five)

 Fifth, the mechanical properties of non-ferrous metal alloys are not qualified

The most widely used non-ferrous metals in industry are aluminum, copper, magnesium, titanium and their alloys. The heat treatment principle of non-ferrous metals and steel is the same, but it has its own characteristics. For example, eutectoid transformation plays an important role in the heat treatment of steel, but it is rarely encountered in non-ferrous metals; Martensitic transformation is the main means of strengthening steel materials, but except for a few copper alloys and titanium alloys, other non-ferrous metals generally cannot be strengthened by martensitic transformation. The common heat treatment processes of non-ferrous metals are homogenization annealing, recrystallization annealing, stress relief annealing, solution treatment and aging treatment. Solution aging is the most commonly used and important heat treatment strengthening process for non-ferrous metals.

Non-ferrous metal heat treatment should pay special attention to the following problems:

1) Non-ferrous metals are active and require strict heating environment. For example, the heating environment of titanium alloys should generally be vacuum or micro-oxidation atmosphere; In order to avoid oxidation, magnesium alloys are often heated in a protective atmosphere of sulfur dioxide or carbon dioxide. In order to avoid hydrogen embrittlement, copper needs to be heat treated in a neutral or weak oxidizing atmosphere.

2) In order to achieve the maximum solution effect, the solution temperature of many non-ferrous metal alloys is close to the temperature of the solid phase line, in order to prevent overheating and overburning, the furnace temperature and heating and holding time must be strictly controlled.



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